
核实是一个审查过程,确认学生报告的经济援助申请数据的准确性. 选择 occurs by the U.S. Department of Education and is completed by the financial aid office.


  • 的 accuracy of the following data elements reported by you, 或你的父母, 或者你的配偶, on the FAFSA are confirmed through verification. This is confirmed primarily through the submission of IRS tax information.

    • Adjusted gross income (AGI)
    • U.S. 已缴纳的所得税
    • 教育学分
    • Untaxed portions of IRA distributions
    • Untaxed portions of pensions
    • IRA deductions and payments
    • Tax-exempt interest income Income earned from work
    • 家庭规模
    • 在校人数
    • Identity/statement of educational purpose
  • ProVerifier +

    您将在您的十大网赌正规网址官网电子邮件帐户中收到来自ProVerifier +的介绍性邮件. 电子邮件将包含创建ProVerifier +帐户以完成验证过程的说明. 


    You can find the requirement listed in your student ace 账户. 在ace, 在“我的页面”选项卡的“财务援助清单”部分,验证将以红色标志出现. 

    Student 援助 Report (2023-24) or FAFSA Submission Summary (2024-25)

    You can log in to your studentaid.gov 账户 to access your FAFSA report/summary and confirm if you were selected. On the top right of the first page, look for an asterisk* located next to your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) if you submitted a 2023-24 FAFSA. If you submitted a 2024-25 FAFSA, 你会在你的学生资助索引(SAI)旁发现星号*. 

    1. 按照ProVerifier +提供的说明填写并提交所有要求的文件.
      • 您将被要求访问ProVerifier +学生门户网站的URL链接,并使用您的Alamo电子邮件地址登录.
      • Be sure to check and complete all document requests in both the ProVerifier + your ace student portals.
  • After submitting your electronic documents, 请允许最多6周的时间来处理您的文件并确定您的资格. We will notify you by email once this process is completed. 

    Common mistakes that may extend the processing timeline include: 

    • missing Banner ID on all documents
    • 未签名的文件
    • unreadable documents
    • missing and incomplete documents
    • unresolved issues on your FAFSA


    last day of the term 您所注册的学年是提交验证文件的最后日期.

的 阿拉莫大学 区 uses ProVerifier +, a software of ProEducation Solutions, that enables you to complete verification entirely online.

  • 的 following documents may be requested through ProVerifier +

    • 验证 Worksheet
    • IRS Tax Transcripts or signed Tax Returns. 请注意, ProVerifier +现在可以代表您和/或您的父母直接与美国国税局联系,以获得这些官方的美国国税局税务记录. 您和/或您的父母只需要以电子方式填写和设计由ProVerifier +提供的IRS表格4506-T/C表格.


    Additional documents vary by situation (ex. 身份和教育目的声明,高中毕业证明,子女抚养费支付等.)

  • 在以下情况下,您应该期望收到来自ProVerifier +的电子邮件:

    • 最初的邮件: generated when student is identified for verification processing
    • 欢迎邮件: generated after student initially logs into the ProVerifier + Student Portal
    • Missing or Incomplete Email: generated every 5 days when documents are missing or incomplete
    • Additional Documents Requested Email: generated when subsequent items are added to the student checklist
    • 确认电子邮件: generated when a form is successfully completed
    • All Documents 提交ted Email: generated when all verifications documents have been submitted by student
    • 验证 Corrections Email: generated when student’s file moves to the awaiting corrections queue
    • 验证 Completed Email: generated when ProVerifier + completes verification
    • ProVerifier +或ACD财务援助团队通过电子邮件发送的其他自定义消息, 电话, 或文本.



What is a Tax Return Transcript and how do I obtain one if requested?

纳税申报表是美国国税局的一份官方文件,列出了所有所得税信息. If requested, you may obtain a Tax Return Transcript by logging into the 国税局的网站.

Starting with 2021-22 FAFSA applications, 您可以使用ProVerifier +填写表格,使他们能够代表您获取文件.

May I submit a copy of my 1040 Tax Return from a third party agency (H&R Block, TurboTax) if requested?

如有要求, 签署 您和/或您的父母的1040纳税申报表副本即可满足要求.


What if I did not file taxes?

独立学生和受抚养学生的家长被选中进行核实,并且没有报税, regardless of the amount of income (even zero), 是否需要提交美国国税局发出的“未报税核实函”.

如果需要,您可以通过访问国税局网站并填写“不申报证明”来获得 国税局4506-T表. 选择方框7,并在收到信件时提交您的验证文件. 


如果请求, individuals without a Social Security Number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), 或雇主识别号码(EIN)必须提供一份签名和注明日期的声明,证明他们没有任何这些. 除了, they will need to list the sources and amounts of earnings, 其他收入, and resources used to support the household for the tax year. 如果适用的话, W-2的副本, 1099, or other equivalent document for each source of employment must be provided.

什么是Adobe Sign?

Adobe Sign是一个允许学生和家长通过他们的ace学生门户网站以电子方式填写和签署所需经济援助文件的过程, and subsequently send them to the correct office for processing.

我还可以提交验证表格的纸质副本吗?还是必须使用Adobe Sign?

For forms requested in your ace student portal, 是的, 您可以选择获取并将所需表格的纸质副本提交给学院的财务援助办公室.

For all requests located within the ProVerifier + student portal, 验证将100%在线完成,不提供打印表格.